Preliminary task

This is my first cover page. Both students on my cover are white as most of the students are white with an Asian and Polish minority. I wanted to show this range of ethnicity on my front cover, however the Asian people I asked were unwilling to take part. Therefore the students I used were of a British and Polish background. I used a medium close up shot of the two students and I wanted to make sure both genders are represented equally.
 I used an establishing shot because I wanted to show the new school building from its best angle. I think if people are interested in attending the school, and use the magazine to find out more information, seeing the new building and its design, with the aesthetically pleasing architecture, would make a excellent first impression and hopefully make an impact on their decision.
 For my title I used a red font as that is one of the main school colours, however I struggled to find a font and colour that will stand out because of the dark and light colour contrast of the building. If I were to do it again I would have my background as either all dark or all light. I think it is important to have a strong contrast.

This is my content's page. The student that I used is
holding a brand new camera, I thought this would show the modern, up to date equipment available for the students to use.

I used a 3/4 shot to show the inside of the building and its new facilities while still having the student as the main focus.

I chose red for my title and border to keep in with the colour scheme of my front cover, which was used because it was one of the main school colours. Having the red on the contents page also brightens it up as most of the colours on the picture are black and white.     


  1. This is a good establishing shot as it shows us that the magazine is about a school with students both genders!

  2. Great idea to shoot in front of the school and I like the idea of having two students in one photo but not standing next to each other. A lot of creative skills used here.
