Contents page planning

I found that the contents page in this magazine had lots of images, but the image to font ratio was well balanced. It also has a small colour palette much like the Indie front covers I looked at. They are two tonal with some red to help highlight important information, this contrast works well.  Most of the images are staged but in all of them you have a clear view of the model's clothes, I think this is because of the target audience being very fashion obsessed. The page is tailored to the target audience in other ways, for example there is a picture at a festival and the addition of the dog makes it edgy and different.

In the NME contents page you can see a regular format. the concert information is on the right, there is a small sample of an article in the middle and the main contents pages and articles on the left. Through my research I have found that a common convention is the three column rule. This is where the page is split into three columns normally the same size, these columns don't have to be filled with writing and can have a mix of picture and writing. In this case there are three columns but the middle one is larger than the other two. The main font I am drawn to is the branding of the magazines name, this is the same as the front cover, this shows continuity.

In order to both meet and challenge conventions in my magazine I want to have a good idea of what I want on the contents page. I wanted to stick to the three column rule but they may not be the same size, as I want to incorporate the festival date idea from the NME contents page.
 I want to have a branding heading for the page so the target audience are reminded of what they are reading.

I want to show a good mix of models, I also wanted to have an even split on the image to font ratio.

The models: I had various photo shoots to gain as many images as possible to select for the contents page.
I have selected 6 different models in my contents page. An equal split of boys and girls with 5 of them being the same age range of my target audience (16-30) This is so it will attract all of my target audience and may make them feel they will be able to relate to the models because of them being similar in age and the same gender.

Having a mixed gender may also attracted people of the opposite sex because of my target audience age group being know for having ''crushes'' or obsessions with celebrities. I have used all white models which is a common convention in Indie magazines for reasons I have already mentioned. In both the contents pages I have analysed all models and musicians are white. I also have looked at many different Indie magazines and it is rare to find ethnic minorities between the covers. One exception to this is the band The Temper Trap.

Their costume: I purposely had all the models dress within quite a small colour palette (mainly black and white) so it didn't look too much like a pop magazine and followed the conventions of an Indie magazine. The fashion in an Indie magazine is very important to it's target audience as they are very fashion conscious and like to look good at all times.

I also wanted to add my photo from a catfish and the bottleman concert I went to. My intention was to add a performance based picture to my contents page. This is common in Indie magazines because the target audience are active giggers.

I did a few photo-shoots from my contents page as it's a common convention for an Indie magazine to have a lot of pictures on the contents page.
I wanted them looking posed and fashionable, not only because this is a common convention, but because it will attract my target audience. The men because they will like the model's fashion and style as it's a hipster look, and the girls as they may find the model attractive and to have that ''Indie heart throb''. The model has direct address with the camera and are medium close up so we can see the moody expression.

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