Double page construction

I started off with a blank page of the right size (41.5cm x 27.5) then added two of the same picture at the top, ending at the middle of the double page spread.

I wrote out my article so I could add it to my double page spread. Here is a copy of it:
Column 1

You’d think when you add two strong minded people together you’d have some type of collision. This could not have been further from the truth with Elliott and Bertone.
‘’Working with Bertone was easy, he totally got my vibe’'
Elliott told us that he’d seen Bertone's work many times before and was mesmerised by the amount of detail and power he creates on the page. He said he just HAD to approach him and was delighted when he agreed to be a part of his crazy new video.

Column 2

They wanted to create a storm in the music industry and try and get people talking! We also s[oke to Bertone about this and he explained he agreed to do it to try and inspire people to stand up for what they believe in and get it out there in whichever way they can .
‘’Why should we compromise on what we want?’’
He told us he loved the way his own art was being pushed while he was also able to challenge Elliott’s.

Column 3

The public reaction to this collaboration was phenomenal. It is the most talked about video of its time. There have been replicas of pictures and videos all over social media from people trying to recreate what Elloitt and Bertone have pulled off.
’‘It’s the most creative video of our generation’’
We are all very excited about this new video and are the first to hear there will be more to come in the near future.

I then added a bar for my masthead in the same colour as the bar from my masthead on all the other pages. This is to continue the theme of the colour through the magazine. This will help with the branding of the magazine and the colour red will be associated with the magazine. It was important to follow the three columns rule, which sticks to the conventions of magazines.
The main picture was then added, then I gave it a red background, the same colour as the masthead bar. I did this so I could follow conventions by keeping the colour scheme small. I also added another small picture of the artist and added shapes around it to create a polaroid picture affect. I thought using a polaroid would help reinforce the Indie idea because it represents vintage which is common in the Indie scene.
I then decided this was too plain to fit with my front cover and contents page so I changed the colour of the polaroid to make it less dull. I used a very light pink so it would stand out from the white background of the text. I then used a mac drawing pad to draw from the polaroid to the model. This is the main concept of the article and it had to be perfect. This represents the artist drawing on the singer as talked about in the article. I think this would appeal to my target audience because it stands out and is very over the top.
I then realised my article was too small so made it bigger so it would fill the page more. It's now changed to this:

Column 1

You’d think when you add two strong minded people together you’d have some type of collision. This could not have been further from the truth with Elliott and Bertone.

Elliott told us that he’d seen Bertones work many times before and was mesmerised by the amount of detail and power he creates on the page. He said he just HAD to approach him and was delighted when he agreed to be a part of his crazy new video. “I knew it might be a risk, this is my last single release before I go on the festival tour but I really believe this is cutting edge.

‘’Working with Bertone was easy, he totally got my vibe’’

He told us it was amazing to meet someone who shared the same values as him and passion for art. Elliot has been a keen art lover for a long time and he has two originals from Bertone. ”they have pride of place in my studio."

Column 2

We wanted to create a storm in the music industry and try and get people talking! We also spoke to Bertone about this and he explained that he agreed to do it to try and inspire people to stand up for what they believe in and get it out there in whichever way they can. He said “ Art has to be shared and what better stage than a live one, I spent weeks transferring the video into a living breathing expression of my passions and the passions of Elliot”.

‘’Why should we compromise on what we want?’’

He told us he loved the way his own art was being pushed while he was also able to challenge Elliott’s.

He explained to us that he wasn’t the only artist working on the project but he had a team of amazing artists bringing his ideas to life. It was like nothing he’d ever done before and was so proud of everyone that he worked with.

Column 3

Elliot feels the public reaction to this collaboration was phenomenal. It is the most talked about video of its time. “I love the work we have done together and feel proud to be part of such a creative experience, I am looking forward to seeing the crowd’s reaction at my first festival, its going to be off the hook."

’‘It’s the most creative video of our generation’’

There have been replicas of pictures and videos all over social media from people trying to recreate what Elloitt and Bertone have pulled off. It‘s safe to say they’ve achieved their goal and gotten the attention and reaction they wanted.

We are all very excited about this new video and are the first to hear there will be more to come in the near future. I’m not sure how they can ever top what they’ve already done but as we’ve seen they’re full of surprises. This truly is the start of something big.

The masthead I put in is in the same text as the masthead on all the other pages, this is to keep continuity. I put all the words in different sizes, I think this is very affective and will attract my target audience as it is ''weird'' and different.

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