Contents page construction

I wanted to start out with a draft of what my contents page might look like.
After looking at other Indie magazines I made my lay out plan 'busy' with lots of images and text to follow conventions. I know I need to add an area for the concert information but I am going to start with this design.
First I created a blank image the same size as the front cover (27.5x21.25). I then set the background, which is a small segment from the background of the front cover, then faded. This is to show continuity and also to stick to the colour scheme.

I then used the paint tool to create a falling paint effect like I did on the front cover.

I then added a masthead bar which is the same colour as the one on my front cover, again keeping continuity. This will help with the branding of the magazine.

I then cut out a picture of the same model on the front cover to show that the double page spread story will be about him. I made sure he was wearing a white shirt because I didn't want the picture to dominate the contents page.

I added boxes for my text to make them stand out more from the background. I then used the same font as I did for the titles on my front cover. I like having the red for the numbers as this helps it stand out, the contrast is good.

The masthead is in the font chalkduster which is the same as the front cover. Instead of calling it 'contents' I put con (picture of a tent) s, I did this to go against conventions and make it a bit more interesting for the reader. I think this will work really well. I have added the symbol of a tent because as well as it making the word tent, it also represents the tents used at festivals. This is to help my target audience connect with the magazine. I also added a picture and moved one of the titles onto that picture to show the picture is relevant to the article.

I then added more pictures and article titles to fill and complete the page. I wanted to have a even image to text ratio.
After reviewing and getting feedback I decided the font was too bold and the bottom left picture created a different vibe to the magazine that I was trying to create. I also realised that the  's' on the masthead was too far away from the other letters, so I changed the picture and masthead as well as making all the pictures and text more centred and changed the numbers for the contents page to make it look like a bigger magazine.

After looking at other Indie magazine contents pages I saw that they follow a three column layout so I added this to my magazine. This was my original idea in my planning and I am pleased I have been able to incorporate this into the contents page. I also added more articles to fill the page.

I then added the image from a concert I went to, in the gigs and tour column, which I also enlarged to make it fit all the way down the page. This will be appealing to my target audience because they like live music and gigs. This was always my intention and it fits with conventions of the magazines I researched.

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